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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio USA
    Country: United States

    Cool Lever lock key blanks needed.

    Looking for someone in the UK to help me locate and buy keyblanks for various lever locks, such as the ones currently needed for a Hobb's 9 lever movable stump lock. Willing to pay fair prices for the blanks and shipping, including a decent handling charge. I realize exact blanks are probably not available, but something that can be made to fit. I have tried contacting SKS several times by email and get nowhere. Thanks to anyone that can help. Doug

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Country: Australia


    Hi Doug

    Have you got any photos of the lock?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio USA
    Country: United States


    Fortunately someone came through with keyblanks. Don't know if he wants his name mentioned. Anyway here are some pictures.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails IMG_20191214_104051911.jpg   IMG_20191214_103724332.jpg   IMG_20191214_104152624.jpg   IMG_20191214_104459040.jpg   IMG_20191214_104551499.jpg  

    IMG_20191214_104624425.jpg   IMG_20191214_104708449.jpg   IMG_20191214_105423446.jpg  

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio USA
    Country: United States


    Now for a trivia question. I have never worked on one these locks before. It has Hobbs designed movable stump. I was aware that pressure against the levers forced the stump to move and block bolt retraction. So what releases the bolt to retract? I now know the answer and can see how a lockout could occur.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    Country: Australia


    I am under the impression that once you turn the key back to the locked position the movable stump springs back up.

    I have a couple of those locks and they are all six levers

    Also a little trivia the lock was made in 1946

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio USA
    Country: United States


    Close, but it does not spring up. The shoe on the underside of barrel curtain as it contacts the left hand side section of the talon, pushes the bolt outward slightly. This forces the stump against the inside leading edge of the lever, which in turn brings up the blocker lever the stump is mounted on. If the shoe has sufficient wear, it can no longer release the blocker once it set.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Country: Great Britain


    Quote Originally Posted by Doug MacQueen View Post
    Close, but it does not spring up. The shoe on the underside of barrel curtain as it contacts the left hand side section of the talon, pushes the bolt outward slightly. This forces the stump against the inside leading edge of the lever, which in turn brings up the blocker lever the stump is mounted on. If the shoe has sufficient wear, it can no longer release the blocker once it set.

    Hello Doug,

    If you haven't seen this before you may find it interesting.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Hobbs Protector..JPG 
Views:	16 
Size:	831.2 KB 
ID:	21943

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Cleveland, Ohio USA
    Country: United States


    No I haven't seen that and thanks for posting it. In that model, a changeable key is shown as well. Kind of doubt the later lock was offered with that key even though the levers were numbered. The blocking lever and spring is exactly the same as the later lock. And here in the states, the use of a shoe, rather than the bolt step of the key to actuate the bolt talon became very popular on safe deposit locks.

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